
Agenda Item 85


Subject:                    Utilisation of empty council buildings


Date of meeting:    2 February 2023


Proposer:                 Councillor McNair

Seconder:                Councillor Bagaeen


Ward(s) affected:   All



Notice of Motion


Conservative Group



This council:


1)    Notes that City Council buildings are now significantly underutilised;


2)    Further notes that the cause of this is the Council’s policy to move towards remote service provision with staff working from home;


3)    Recognises the unnecessary costs to the taxpayer being incurred from the City Council maintaining and heating buildings which now largely sit empty;


4)    Notes that other Councils have downsized their council buildings since the pandemic; and


5)    Calls for a report containing a cost-benefit analysis of downsizing the City Council, that includes:


a.    Current occupancy of Council buildings;


b.    Proportion of council staff working from home;


c.    Potential benefit to the budget from downsizing the council, including by leasing empty office space or selling unneeded premises.


Supporting Information: